How Many Streams To Go Platinum on Albums and Singles?

Every artist and producer wants that coveted Platinum or Gold certification from the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA). But what does it take to go platinum on an album or single?
Simply put, how many streams will it take for you to receive a platinum badge? The answer is complex, but there are some basic metrics you can use to gauge whether you’re on track.
Before we delve deep into the fascinating world of streaming, a quick heads-up if you want to boost your music’s playtime:
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Now, let’s take a closer look at what it takes to go platinum.
How Many Streams Equal 1 Single Sale?
1 "single" sale is equal to 150 streams.
How Many Streams Equal 1 Album Sale?
1 "album" sale is equal to 150 streams.
How Many Streams to Go Gold?
- For a single to be certified Gold it needs 75 million streams
- For an album to be certified Gold it needs 750 million Streams
How Many Streams to Go Platinum?
- For a single to be certified Platinum it needs 150 million streams
- For an album to be certified Platinum it needs 1.5 billion streams
Read more from RIAA here.
Give Your Sounds a Competitive Edge
Achieving the coveted gold or platinum status is a dream for many. With the right sound, mixing, and production, that dream isn’t far-fetched. Aiming for these impressive streaming numbers?
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